Monday, April 25, 2011

#14 - Pictures from the past 3 weeks (4/26/11)

The first scrum of the match

The players are HUGE!

A blurry scrum

Crystal Creek

Very friendly butterfly

Across the Town Common towards Castle Hill

Amethyst python


Rainbow lorikeet

Horseshoe Bay on Maggie Island

Open eucalyptus forest

Horseshoe Bay

Bush stone curlew - note the odd sitting position

Lorikeet feeding

Our cabin for the night - cozy

Watch for koalas!

Looks uncomfortable

Doesn't seem to mind

Does it realize how cute it is?

Across Cleveland Bay to the mainland

Some idyllic bay - we couldn't figure out which one

Part of the old fort on Maggie

A preying mantis

Alma Bay

No stinger nets, yet people swam anyways

 Arthur Bay

Townsville in the distance

Cleveland Bay and Pallarenda at sunset

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